Frequently Asked Questions

Who We Are

Who is World Vision?

World Vision is a Christian, child-focused relief, development and advocacy organization that focuses on helping the most vulnerable children and their communities overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.  Founded in 1950, World Vision currently operates in nearly 100 countries, impacting the lives of over 200 million children. 

World Vision began working in China through its response to the Qinghai Flood in 1982. In 1993, World Vision China was officially established to carry out work in poverty alleviation and community development. We have nearly 100 staff working in some of the poorest regions in China, including Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Tianjin, Guangxi and Shaanxi. 

Where does World Vision China operate?

World Vision China works in some of the poorest regions in China, including Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Tianjin, Guangxi and Shaanxi. In accordance with the Law on Administration of Activities of Overseas Non-governmental Organizations in the Mainland China, World Vision China has also registered Representative Offices in these regions. 

How does World Vision help those in need?

World Vision serves the most vulnerable children and communities through:

Transformational development

World Vision believes development should be transformational, community-based and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children. We work alongside families, location, national and global partners, and with children and youth themselves, to bring about change which enables them to break out from the poverty cycle. Our aim for most of the projects we initiate is to help communities become self-reliant through a range of work such as health improvement, access to clean water, building sustainable livelihood and resilience, education and protecting children from all forms of harm.

Emergency response

Before a disaster strikes, World Vision works with children, families and communities to reduce their vulnerability, to be better prepared and to know the right things to do when a disaster hits. 

In the aftermath of a disaster, World Vision’s response team is ready to deliver life-saving aid such as temporary shelter, food supplies, access to clean drinking water, and psychosocial support, especially for children.

After a disaster, we stay and shift our focus to recovery, to help children and their families rebuild their lives.


World Vision works through advocacy and global campaigns to mobilise, amplify and harness voices at the local, national and international levels to create lasting and sustainable changes for children. 

Through the “It takes a world to end violence against children” we are committed to creating a world where every child is safe from harm and violence.

Our Work in China

What kind of projects does World Vision carry out in China?

In China, World Vision works with children, communities, local partners and government to address challenges in the following areas:

Child Protection

Children’s Health

Education & Life Skills

Special Needs Children

Emergency Response

Who benefits from World Vision China’s projects? 

World Vision is committed to the most vulnerable girls and boys and they are at the center of our work and decisions. 

In China, we partner with the government, civil social organizations, academic institutions, as well as community leaders, parents and caregivers to create lasting and impactful changes for the most vulnerable children – left behind and migrant children, children with special needs and children affected by disasters.   

How does World Vision China implement and manage its projects?


Partnering has always been an integral part of World Vision’s operations as we believe that collaboration and valuing diverse perspective and approaches can broaden our impact. 

In China, World Vision works with different partners, including government, civil society organizations, corporations, academic institutions and others to effectively mobilize our expertise, funding and resources to achieve sustainable development goals that focus on child well-being, caring for and helping the most vulnerable. We also share our knowledge and skill sets with civil social organizations to strengthen the local capacity to serve children.

On-site monitoring

To ensure the quality of our projects and effective use of our funding, World Vision projects are organized, implemented and monitored by our staff or qualified local partners. The dedication and integrity of World Vision and local NGO staff are also a key contributor to the success of our projects.

Community participation and sustainable development 

World Vision encourages communities, families and children to plan and manage their own process of transformation. We empower them by building local capacity and leadership, and connecting them with local governments, community-based organizations and private sectors, creating partnerships and access to resources. 

Our ultimate aim is to help communities become self-reliant, increasing ownership of their continued development, as World Vision’s role diminishes over time.

Where does World Vision China receive its funding?

World Vision China and the work we do are supported by World Vision offices worldwide, with more than 55% of funding raised via donations from Hong Kong. 

Read our 2023 Annual Report here.

My Donation and Accountability

How can I make a donation?

You can choose to make a monthly or one-time contribution to our work in child protection, education and life skills, health, children with special needs or emergency response.

World Vision China uses Stripe as our online payment processing service. Donations can be made via Visa, Mastercard or American Express.

If you would like to make a donation using a different method, or would like to collaborate with us in other ways, kindly contact us

How does World Vision China use my donation? 

World Vision China will use your donations in the area of work of your choice, which is either in child protection, education and life skills, health, children with special needs or emergency response. 

World Vision is committed to use all the resources entrusted to us as efficiently and effectively as possible. In the event that funds raised exceed what is needed, or if local conditions prevent us from implementing programs, we will direct funds to the area of work where funds are most needed.

How will I know that World Vision China is using my contribution to help those in need?

World Vision China has operations and program teams on the ground who works with our local partners and communities to plan, manage and carry out every project. The organization also undergoes regular audits by internal and external parties to ensure the quality of our program and use of funding.

Read our Annual Report here.

Read stories about the changes and impact World Vision China is creating for the communities we serve here.

Join our quarterly newsletter and receive updates about our work in China.

Will I get a receipt or annual statement for the donations I have made?

Yes, World Vision China will send an electronic certificate of appreciation for the donations received to the e-mail address provided.

For donors who make a monthly contribution, we will send you an annual certificate of appreciation.

World Vision China is a charity organization registered in Hong Kong (no. 91/4177) and donations made to World Vision are tax-deductible. Kindly contact us to request for an annual statement for tax submission.  

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. World Vision China is a charity organization registered in Hong Kong (no. 91/4177) and donations made to our organization are tax-deductible. Kindly contact us to request an annual statement for tax submission. 

Can I discontinue my monthly donation? 

Yes, you can. Kindly contact us to terminate your monthly deductions. Nevertheless, we hope you will continue to support bringing hope and long lasting change for children in China in other ways, or return to us in the near future.

Any Further Questions?

Speak with a representative to learn more about our work, or to make a donation to World Vision China.
+852 2394 5613